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Get Involved

Charity League of Charlotte is an inter-generational, membership-based organization. Our strength lies in our sisterhood, our volunteerism and the desire to make a difference in children’s lives.


We have operated uninterrupted for over 100 years, addressing and meeting the changing needs of Charlotte area children. As a non-profit with no paid staff, our fundraising dollars go directly to serving those most at-risk throughout the community.


Upon joining CLC, there are SO many great ways to get involved, both in person and remotely!  Based on skill sets and interest, our members participate in various committees, hold leadership positions on the board, raise the much-needed funds to fuel our mission, and volunteer in our partner school CLC HUBS, organizing and stocking them with critical care needs for the students. We also plan teacher appreciation events, volunteer at book fairs and other school functions as needed.


General meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 10:45 am (except for June, July & August). And ALL are welcome!


If you area interested in membership, download your application here:

Once you have completed it, please scan or photograph the application

and email it to:


Or you can mail a hard copy to:

Charity League, Inc, PO Box 471332, Charlotte, NC 28247-1332

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“My closest friendships are among the women of CLC because we have a shared purpose and commitment to  the children of Charlotte and to Charity League.”

         -Nanine Hartzenbusch Fox, CLC Member

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